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以下警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



一、Vocabulary and Usage: Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.(20分)

1. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly prioritizing measures to combat the prevalence of ________, a form of harassment that involves unwanted and obsessive attention towards an individual.

(A) hacking  (B) stalking  (C) graffiti  (D) jaywalking


(A)竊取電腦資料 (B)跟蹤 (C)塗鴉 (D)違規穿越馬路

2. The defendant claimed that the confession was made under ________, arguing
that he was coerced into admitting guilt by threats of violence against his family.

(A)duress (B) consent  (C) compliance  (D) corroboration

(A)脅迫 (B)許可 (C)服從(D)進一步證實

3. The British Royal Family decided to sue a French magazine for publishing
paparazzi photographs of their members and _________ their privacy.

(A) detecting   (B) infringing  (C) adventuring  (D) violating

(A)偵測 (B)侵犯 (C)冒險 (D)違反

4. After the earthquake, the authorities ordered the immediate __________ of all
buildings in the affected area.

(A) reinforcement   (B) demolition  (C) evacuation  (D) detention

(A)加強 (B)拆除 (C)疏散 (D)羈押

5. A bomb _________ outside an elementary school and injured lots of passersby, prompting the city police to start investigating this case.

(A)set out  (B) went off  (C) lit up  (D) put out
(A) 開始著手、擺放 (B)熄滅、停止運行 (C)點燃、點亮 (D)撲滅

6.The defense attorney successfully argued that the evidence obtained through illegal search and seizure was ________ in court proceedings.

(A) adoptable  (B) legitimate  (C) inadmissible  (D) reliable

(A) 可採用的 (B)合法的 (C)不能被採納的 (D)可靠的

7. Several gangsters involved in the assault of a police officer are still _________.

(A) out of hand  (B) down to earth  (C) at large  (D) out of breath

(A) 失去控制 (B)很務實 (C)逍遙法外 (D)喘不過氣

8. Without permission, passengers are not allowed to stay within the ________ of
MRT routes, stations, or trains during non-service hours.

(A) gratitude  (B) confines  (C) privilege  (D) alliance

(A) 感謝 (B)範圍、邊界 (C)特權 (D)結盟
P.S. 關於本題的正解(B)選項,考生容易僅僅記得confine的動詞有“限制、監禁”的意思,而忽略名詞形態的含義,因此考生平時要背誦多義詞語。

9. The city council allocated funds for the renovation of critical ________, including bridges, roads, and water supply systems.

(A)recreational facilities  (B) attractions  (C) landmarks  (D)infrastructure

(A) 娛樂設施 (B)觀光景點 (C)地標 (D)基礎設施

10. The company’s accountant was charged with ________, accused of unlawfully
transferring company funds into her personal accounts.

(A)conspiracy  (B)extortion  (C) mischief  (D) embezzlement

(A) 陰謀、謀劃 (B)敲詐、勒索 (C)毀損 (D)挪用公款

二、 Translation:(30分)


Internet fraud, or cyber fraud, involves deceitful practices conducted over the internet to swindle individuals or organizations for financial gain. It encompasses a range of fraudulent activities, including phishing scams, identity theft, fake auctions, investment fraud, and credit card fraud. Perpetrators utilize sophisticated methods to trick victims into disclosing sensitive information or transferring money, posing substantial risks to personal and financial security.




Drug trafficking has severely impacted our society, including the rise of crime rate, the threatened social stability, and the increased problems of people’s health. Therefore, the government has strengthened the force of combatting drug trafficking, increased criminal penalties as well as actions of raiding, and enhanced border patrol as well as international cooperations in order to crack down actions of drug cartels.

三、Reading Comprehension and Cloze Test:(20分)

(一)Reading Comprehension:After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question.(10分)

We have been cautioned that whether cell phone conversation is simply small talk with our friends or the making of a complex financial deal, when we are behind the wheel, it distracts us from the business at hand. Researchers have found out exactly why. The brain has limited capacity to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, leading to compromised processing of visual signals when engaged in a conversation. With visual and auditory signals competing, a driver’s ability to see and react to what’s ahead–even when gazing directly at a car, sign or pedestrian–is diminished. This phenomenon of “inattention blindness,” in which the brain doesn’t fully process what the eyes are taking in, helps explain how cell phone conversations distract drivers and contribute to an increasing number of accidents.

With over 330 million cell phone subscribers in the U.S., studies indicate that a significant portion of them use their phones behind the wheel. “Looking and seeing aren’t one and the same,” said University of Utah psychologist David Strayer, who has spent five years studying how the use of cellular phones affect driving. “Your eyes being directed at something doesn’t mean you’re processing it. Looking means paying attention. When you’re not attending to driving, you’re more of a hazard.” With a conversation diverting their attention from the road, drivers are unable to react quickly to sudden events such as a child running into their path or a light change. The damage occurs equally with handheld or hands-dree models. That suggests the problem lies in the distraction of the conversation, not in the holding of the phone.



1. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Hazards of Cell Phone Conversations While Driving
(B) The Benefits of Hands-Free Models in Driving Safety
(C) Exploring the Cognitive Impact of Multitasking While Driving
(D) The Role of Cell Phones in Car Accidents

(A) 司機開車時用手機對話有多危險。
(B) 為了確保駕駛安全,司機使用無須用手操作的手機時,能帶來的好處。
(C) 探討司機開車時,他們進行多重任務能對認知方面產生多大的影響。
(D) 車禍發生時,手機能扮演的角色。
2. How does University of Utah psychologist David Strayer characterize the difference between “looking” and “seeing” in the context of driving?

(A)Looking means paying attention, while seeing means being distracted.
(B)Looking implies processing visual signals, while seeing implies visual distraction.
(C)Looking and seeing are synonymous in the context of driving.
(D)Looking involves gazing directly at objects, while seeing involves understanding the road environment.


3. What is the definition of the term “inattention blindness” as described in the passage?

(A) A condition where one is blind to certain visual stimuli while driving
(B) A phenomenon where one’s visual perception is hindered due to lack of attention
(C) A cognitive state where one becomes hyper-aware of surrounding distractions
(D) A neurological disorder affecting the eye’ ability to process visual information

(A) 一種情況,也就是司機駕駛的時候,看不見特定的視覺刺激。
(B) 一種現象,也就是司機缺乏專注力,導致司機的視覺感知受到了阻礙。
(C) 一種認知的狀態,也就是司機過度注意周遭的分心事物。
(D) 一種神經系統的疾病,能夠影響眼睛處理視覺資訊的能力。
4. According to the author, what is the real cause behind all the cell phone-related accidents?
(A) The act of holding the cell phone.
(B) The cause is still unknown.
(C) The phone conversation itself.
(D) Drivers cannot see what is ahead of them.

(A) 手持手機的行為。
(B) 原因依舊不明。
(C) 手機對話本身。
(D) 司機看不見前方的事物。

5. According to the passage, why does engaging in cell phone conversation while driving lead to distraction?
(A) Because it increases the visual processing capacity of the brain.
(B) Because it reduces the brain’s ability to process visual signals.
(C) Because it enhances the driver’s reaction time.
(D) Because it improves the driver’s attention to the road.

(A) 因為這種行為能增加大腦進行視覺處理的能力。
(B) 因為這種行為會減少大腦處理視覺信號的能力。
(C) 因為這種行為能夠加強司機的反應時間。
(D) 因為這種行為能夠改善司機對於路況的注意力。

(二)Cloze Test:Choose the best words or phrases to complete the followingpassage.(10分)

Taiwan was struck by a devastating earthquake on April 3, which had a significant impact on the eastern coast and the city of Hualien. ___1___ the chaos and destruction, the brave efforts of emergency responders, including police and specialized search and rescue teams, emerged as beacons of hope amid the crisis.

The ___2___ of the Hualien earthquake unfolded rapidly, demanding quick and decisive action from rescue teams. Rescuers ___3___ collapsed buildings, risking their lives to extract survivors trapped beneath the rubble. With every moment crucial, these courageous individuals displayed remarkable courage and determination in their rescue missions.

Alongside the search and rescue workers, police officers played a ___4___ role in maintaining order and coordinating rescue operations. Despite the dangers posed by aftershocks and unstable structures, these valiant professionals remained steadfast in their commitment to saving lives.

Notably, the indispensable contribution of rescue dogs cannot be overstated. Highly trained and incredibly resolute, these ___5___ heroes sniffed out survivors buried deep within the debris, guiding rescue teams to locations where human senses alone could not penetrate. Their unwavering dedication and fortitude exemplified the true spirit of service and sacrifice.




1.(A) Despite (B) In accordance with (C) While (D) In terms of

(A)儘管…但是… (B)根據 (C)當…的時候/雖然…但是 (D)依據


2.(A) onset (B) aftermath (C) magnitude (D) afterwards

(A)開端 (B)餘波 (C)規模 (D)後來



(A) plunged into

(B) bumped into

(C) indulged into

(D) ventured into

(A)投入 (B)撞上 (C)沉溺於 (D)冒險進入


(A) redundant

(B) optional

(C) capricious

(D) pivotal

(A)多餘的 (B)選擇性的 (C)多變的 (D)關鍵的、核心的



(A) feline

(B) canine

(C) rodent

(D) equine

   (A)貓科的  (B)犬科的 (C)嚙齒類的 (D)馬科的

四、Essay:(30分) Write a short essay on the following topic. The length of the essay should be no less than 100 words and no more than 250 words.

The pros and cons of being a police officer -from the perspective of the general public.

For some youngsters, among all the sorts of vocations, being a police officer might be an attractive choice. Here are some reasons: First, the higher pay of police transcends that of most enterprises, making the young generation motivated to challenge themselves after they accomplish miscellaneous tasks. If they wish to serve a community by showing great sense of justice, after they withstand some trainings given from Taiwan Police University, they may devote themselves to maintaining people’s sense of security by exerting sufficient professions like subduing bandits. Also, it’s predictable when they can afford to purchase expensive items such as a car and even a house if they accumulate their savings by serving people for twenty successive years. In other words, unlike common enterprises, such a vocation guarantees long-term economic stability without worrying police officers about unemployment.

However, there are also a few drawbacks that make civilians frown. At times, we may hear contingencies about scandals of police officers. For instance, a minority of superiors may abuse their powers by verbally bullying young police officers. What’s more, they even get drunken in feasts and get administrative punishment they deserve in the end. If these negative impressions can’t be removed by National Police Agency, everyone would doubt if these police officers may truly maintain their incarnation of justice. If several gangsters commit crimes while some police officers get intoxicated, that’s the moment when good fellows are in danger! Therefore, police officers need to discipline themselves at any time. (248 words)

以上警大研究所英文解析全文為 高漢文教 黃摩斯老師撰寫



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2024 06 28 下午5.27.53