
一、 Vocabulary and Phrases(20分)
1.digital evidence 數位/電子證據
2.informant 檢舉人或稱揭發人、告密人、供消息的人
3.INTERPOL 國際刑警組織
4.polygraph 測謊器
5.in the line of duty 執行任務時
6.The violence outside the city hall ______ soon after the police force put down the riot.
(A) expired (B) subsided (C) redirected (D) instilled
(A)過期 (B)止息 (C)改變方向 (D)灌輸
7.The police ______ the whole area after fires were discovered in the high-rise building.
(A) cordoned off (B) congested with
(C) posted to (D) emancipated from
(A)封鎖 (B)被…堵塞 (C)調到 (D)從…被解救
8.The accused ______ against the death sentence to the Supreme Court.
(A) adhered (B) accommodated (C) adjusted (D) appealed
(A)adhere against(無此用法),adhere:遵守
(B)accommodate against(無此用法),accommodate :容納
(C)adjust against (無此用法),adjust: 調整
(D)appeal against 提出上訴(固定用法)
9. ______ is a person who is involved with another in the commission of a crime whether as a principal or as an accessory.
(A) Escort (B) Accomplice (C) Abettor (D) Informant
(A)護衛 (B)同夥 (C)唆使者 (D)提供消息的人
10. He gave a ______ to the police telling them how he killed his wife.
(A) commitment (B) narrator (C) commandment (D) confession
(A)承諾 (B)解說員 (C)戒律 (D)坦白
二、 Translation(30 分)
(一)中翻英 (10 分)
In the trend of globalization, the internationalized crimes have become more and more serious. Therefore, “fighting transnational crimes” has been the core of strategies of global police. In cooperation with law enforcement agencies in other countries, our nation also attempts to establish some ways of finding information and collecting criminal clues like trafficked drugs, international scams, terrorist attacks, human trafficking, smuggled weapons, hackers’ invasion, and money laundering through Internet. It is hoped that the police would wipe out illegitimate misdeeds so that transnational crimes would no longer be hidden and people would be free from victimization.
(二)英翻中 (20 分)
1. The treatment to be given the offender cannot alter the fact of the offense, but we can take measures to reduce the chance of similar acts occurring in the future. We should banish the criminal, not in order to exact revenge nor directly to encourage reform, but to deter that person and others from further illegal attacks on society.
2. A police officer is permitted to use the amount of force necessary only to overcome the resistance or aggression that is presented by the subject. When the resistance or aggression is reduced, the officer must reduce his or her force correspondingly.
三、 Reading Comprehension(20 分)
(一)請依下文回答第 1 題至第 5 題
Marco Polo literally changed the Western view of the world. European maps in his time were 1____ on Biblical interpretations and classical mythology. Jerusalem was at the center. At the margins the map-makers drew monsters and savages, because there, 2____ the Christian center, Nature herself was believed to be monstrous. Then 3____ Polo’s book Travels, describing great civilizations in the East, and a world not centered on Jerusalem, politically or geographically. This recasting of the world into a more dynamic and multi-centered geographical space was the first step toward 4____ we now call globalization. Travels appeared in popular anthologies circulating in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Christopher Columbus had an early copy, and made notes in the margins. He later 5____ America while searching out a western route to Polo’s Cathay.
馬可波羅確實改變了西方國家的世界觀。在他那個時代的歐洲地圖,都是1____ 聖經的解讀方式,以及古典神話等架構上面。耶路撒冷是世界中心,至於世界邊緣之外,製作地圖的人員則繪製了怪物和野蠻人,原因在於:在離基督教中心2____的地方,大自然本身就很可怕。之後關於馬可波羅旅途的書就3____ 了,且內容描述了東方的偉大文明,從此世界的政治和地理中心不再聚焦於耶路撒冷。世界經過這種重塑過程後,衍生出更多活力,以及多重中心的地理空間,這就是我們4____(所稱)的全球化第一步。在十五和十六世紀環繞歐洲的流行精選集中,常可見到旅途的描述。克里斯多福.哥倫布另外還在早期的抄本中,記錄了世界邊緣的模樣,之後在尋找西部路線,想進入馬可波羅口中的中國時,5____進入美國。
1. (A) based (B) place (C) situated (D) supported
(A)架構在 (B)放在 (C)位於…之上 (D)負載
2. (A) in the vicinity of (B) far from (C) in lieu of (D) close to
(A)附近 (B)很遠 (C)替代 (D)緊鄰
3. (A) came (B) existed (C) lied (D) stood
(A)來/問世 (B)存在 (C)說謊 (D)站立
如,Then came the date of examination=The date of examination came, then.
4. (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where
What we call是固定用法,意思是“我們通常所說的”
5. (A) jumped into (B) took after (C) bungled into (D) diverged from
(A)跳過,急速行動 (B)(長相)很像… (C)失誤的,誤打誤撞的 (D)背離
(二)請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題
In recent years, issues of public and personal safety have become a major concern to many people around the world. Violent incidents in fast food restaurants, parking lots, hospitals, schools and colleges, and shopping malls have led many to seek greater security inside their homes and in many public buildings and areas as well. Sales of burglar alarms, motion detectors, and closed circuit television systems (CCTV) have skyrocketed since 2000. Convenience stores, gas stations, jewelry stores, and even the postal service have barricaded their staffs behind safety glass enclosures and focus cameras on many work stations that involve handling money. Communities employ private security forces and encourage homeowners to install alarm systems and other security devices. While some people sympathize with the reasons behind these efforts, others have voiced concern that these measures are helping to create a siege mentality. There is fear that such a mentality will lead to a general distrust of others among people that could foster a dangerous isolation within neighborhoods and among neighbors.
6.The passage suggests which of the following about community security?
(A) Communities are more dangerous today than they were before the year 2000.
(B) Too much concern for security could destroy trust among neighbors.
(C) Poor security has led to an increase in public violence.
(D) Isolated neighborhoods are unsafe neighborhoods.
7.The word foster in the last sentence most nearly means _____.
(A) adopt (B) encourage (C) prevent (D) secure
(A)採納 (B)促成 (C)假裝 (D)安全的
8.The author believes that ______.
(A) More security is needed to make neighborhoods safer.
(B) People should spend more on home security.
(C) People should not ignore the problems created by excessively safety concerns.
(D) Security devices are the best protection against violent crime.
9.According to the author, security devices have skyrocketed since 2000. What does it mean?
(A) People like to live a life full of variety of security devices.
(B) The need of security devices has dramatically increased among people.
(C) The prices of security devices are on the increase.
(D) Security devices have changed a lot since 2000.
10.In the second last sentence, the phrase siege mentality means
(A) hostility (B) defensiveness (C) fear (D) corruption
(A)敵意 (B)防禦 (C)懼怕 (D)腐敗
四、 Essay(30 分)
When a large group of armed police
Write an essay on the topic:Police Visibility
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Increasing police visibility is a good policy to better public security.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion
The basic definition of police visibility means the degree and frequency of police’s appearance witnessed by civilians. When a large group of special police forces shows up in front of the public while they’re patrolling at the same time, a strong sense of security would be deeply established in people’s minds as there aren’t any bold gangsters who dare to approach the police and offend the community.
Two years ago, a tragedy just took place when a clerk was killed on his duty. After seeing a man shopping without wearing a mask, he persuaded him to put on one to prevent the spread of COVID 19. However, the man was driven crazy after hearing this advice, which pushed him to stab the poor clerk’s chest and caused his death. Such an event has enlightened us that slack measures of policing would indirectly allow perpetrators to commit some horrifying crimes. After this tragedy had happened, Taiwanese government asked the police to enter in the stores while they were patrolling. In the meantime, a policy encourages the cooperation among convenient stores, security guards, and police. One of the effectual ways of police was to sign up the patrol boxes through the electronic technique.